Thursday, June 23, 2005

josh is heaps better, he was sick last night but only cos he too kan cheong eating his dinner (hungry boy!) but otherwise he slept the majority of the night. Jamie is good at wee/poo in the am now :) but I tell you, this arvo we had tantrums! anyways I think the bday party in school (can u believe the sweets etc etc they give out, omg sugar crash!) kinda didnt help sigh.. I really hope he doesnt come down with anything.. anyway, early bedtime for them. Parents had dinner plans so back to being on me own. Theres a parents teachers thing happening on monday am, muahahhaa... now that wld be interesting being a parent instead LOL

K is growing like a WEED but he is so cute, smiley and "chatty". :) They are sleeping like good lads now..

ok, back to work!