Monday, June 20, 2005

oh oh forgot to say!
boys did pedal their trikes for just a few "steps", awesome!!!!

so slowly can teach em to ride bikes!! wooohoooo

ok.. bedtime for thismummy!

Mummy's quick summary for last two days:

boys hv been gng to the loo more, in the mornings doing a wee. and today boys did poos in toilet! much celebration all around. Tried them in undies/shorts when in garden, they didnt like having wet pants so its been good training I guess.. slowly, slowly.. easier when I hv someone else to help I guess.. but gotta keep trying! We had a lovely fathers day, had lunch at the SS2 italian restr. boys ate heaps, K was in good mood. we went to the park together, great fun.. :)

took k to registration office today, needed to get mykad done so d and I took k with us, parents jaga the boys. k was so good, awww.. charmed young and old ladies alike by smiling and cooking.. wat a charmer I tell you my sons LOL

ok, mummy's got a bit of a cold so tired out, time for me to sleep early!